Blake and Elaine Webster

Blake Webster is a web and multimedia developer, search engine optimization consultant, photographer and published author.
He and his wife recently relocated from the San Francisco Bay Area to Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Elaine Webster http://elainewebster.com/ When not RV traveling with her husband, Blake and her German Shepherd, Ripley, Elaine writes fiction, creative non-fiction, essays and poetry from her desert studio in Las Cruces, New Mexico. With camera always at hand, she photographs the earth’s pleasures and mysteries.
Blake and Elaine Webster met in 1973 with a common interest in ancient civilizations—specifically the pre-history continents of Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis. Throughout their marriage, they indulged this fascination—snatching tidbits of information when and where they could. At retirement age, they began to travel the Western United States. One day, as they fueled up in the Mojave desert, Elaine snatched some local real estate listings and the idea of moving to the Desert Southwest took flight.
As followers of the spiritual teacher, Paramahansa Yogananda, it is not unusual for what seems like a vague inclination to ultimately manifest in their lives. That is how after some searching and divine intervention, they found themselves established in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Since moving, their focus has been on the four corner states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah and the Pueblo cultures that are rooted in these areas. The couple intuitively believes that there is a connection between the twenty-one Pueblo tribes (Hopi, Navajo aka Diné, Zuni et. al.) and the migration of peoples from the ancient lost continents that were uninhabitable after a world war, climate change and other cataclysmic events. Sound familiar? Welcome to Mu the Motherland—a retrospective.