We’ve discussed at length the circumstances behind the destruction of the Atlantean continent. When the great explosion tore through the continent, it split the earth and towering waves engulfed the city. Psychic readings by Edgar Cayce (A.R.E. Association for Research and Enlightenment) and others, have said that the giant crystal a.k.a. the Tuaoi Stone, shattered into fragments, and is buried somewhere at the bottom of the ocean. Others speculate that a few Atlanteans (possibly priests and scientists) escaped the destruction and carried fragments of the powerhouse crystal to other established civilizations where they influenced the rise of ancient empires. Their mission was to ensure that its secrets would not be destroyed, but rather safeguarded until a time when humanity was ready to rediscover its power.

The Guardians of the Crystal

The priest-scientist, often depicted as a secretive and highly knowledgeable order within Atlantean society, are said to have foreseen the impending destruction of their civilization. Whether through divine revelation, astronomical calculations, or their deep understanding of Earth’s energies, they recognized that Atlantis was doomed. Acting swiftly, they took measures to safeguard their most prized possession—the Great Crystal, sometimes referred to as the Firestone, the Solar Crystal, or the Master Crystal.

Possible Locations of the Hidden Crystal

Egypt: The Land of the Pyramids—One of the most persistent theories links the surviving Atlanteans with ancient Egypt. Some believe that these exiled priests carried the crystal with them to the Nile Valley, embedding its knowledge into Egyptian temple teachings. The Great Pyramid of Giza, with its mysterious origins and rumored hidden chambers, has been speculated to house a piece of this legendary crystal. Some even suggest that the capstone of the Great Pyramid was originally made from or powered by Atlantean crystal technology.

Central America: The Legacy of the Maya and Aztecs—Another theory posits that the crystal, or its fragments, made their way to Central America, where Atlantean refugees may have influenced early civilizations such as the Olmecs, Maya, and Aztecs. The incredible alignment of Mayan pyramids with celestial phenomena, their knowledge of advanced mathematics, and their legends of powerful deities arriving from across the sea hint at a possible connection. Some researchers claim that hidden underground chambers in the jungles of Guatemala or beneath Chichén Itzá may contain remnants of Atlantean wisdom—perhaps even the lost crystal itself.

Beneath the Ocean Floor: A Sunken Vault—A more dramatic theory suggests that the great crystal was not removed from Atlantis at all but instead remains buried beneath the ocean floor, waiting to be discovered. Some believe that remnants of Atlantis still exist, submerged beneath the waters of the Atlantic Ocean or the Caribbean. The infamous Bimini Road, a submerged rock formation off the coast of the Bahamas, is often pointed to as evidence of lost Atlantean structures. Could the crystal still rest in an underwater temple, undisturbed for thousands of years?
Other Hidden Locations: Tibet, Antarctica, North America (Arkansas)—Some alternative theories propose that the crystal, or its fragments, could have been taken to Tibet, where ancient monks are said to possess wisdom handed down from lost civilizations. Others speculate that Atlantis once existed in Antarctica before it was covered in ice, and that the crystal may be buried beneath its frozen expanse. As the south pole’s ice melts, new discoveries are beginning to appear. Will the crystal or some other power source be discovered? Time will tell. However, since WWII, Russia, Germany and the United States have shown a continuing interest in the area mainly for economic (oil drilling), strategic (military bases), and discovery (archaeological, environmental, and historical). Is there an intentional race to uncover what is only rumored to exist? Many conspiracy theorists think so—we’ll wait for the evidence.

Arkansas crystals are well-known for their exceptional clarity and are easily collected in the state. In fact, Arkansas is a mecca for rock enthusiasts and is also the largest gemstone source in the United States. There is a small, covered, spring found within a city park in Magnetic Mount in Eureka Springs. Anything metallic left in spring becomes magnetized. This in itself, makes the theory, that beneath the waters is hidden a dormant crystal, ready to show its power, plausible. Many believe that Arkansas was an Atlantean colony tasked with programming crystals in a highly technical and specialized process and that Arkansas holds the Master Temple Crystal.

As I write this, there has been some interesting archaeological news re: the Great Pyramid of Giza. According to The Jerusalem Post’s article dated March 23, 2025, two researchers from Italy (Corrado Malanga) and Scotland (Filippo Biondi), with the help of radar technology called SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) have discovered a vast underground city stretching more than 6500 feet below the pyramids. Their study suggests that the city is ten times the size of the pyramids. The team released documentation that states that there are eight vertical cylinder-shaped structures, that descend over 2100 feet underground. Attached to these are spiral pathways and attached multi-level structures.

These findings are in question by other archeologists, such as Professor Lawrence Conyers and Dr. Zahi Hawass, who believe that the researchers have over-stepped rational boundaries and this vast city is nothing but wishful thinking and an exaggeration. It has been acknowledged that small structures beneath the pyramids are possible because the structures were constructed over existing buildings.

Social media has jumped ahead and there is considerable buzz that these findings are proof that the pyramids are ancient energy systems, rather than tombs, as Nikola Tesla described in his research. Many wonder if all or part of the Great Crystal may be hidden in these underground channels. We’ll certainly be watching to see how this all goes. Regardless of the outcome, it seems the current earth changes are consistently revealing new hidden archaeological sites, almost on a daily basis. It is time for humankind to take stock, make peace with its past, and begin looking to a future of cooperation, collaboration, and harmony between peoples. Are you in?

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