No one knows for sure if Lemuria ever existed, but there are some interesting clues. For example, many people believe that the story of Atlantis was actually based on the legend of Lemuria. Additionally, there are some geological features that support the idea of a lost continent in the Pacific Ocean.
Some scientists believe that Lemuria could have been a continent that broke apart and sank into the ocean thousands of years ago. Others believe that it was never a physical place but rather a spiritual realm or dimension. There is no definitive proof either way, but the legend of Lemuria is definitely intriguing!
Lemuria was located in the Pacific Ocean. Some believe it was situated between Hawaii and Japan, while others claim it was much further south near New Zealand. Regardless of its specific location, evidence suggests that Lemuria was a large, thriving continent with a rich diversity of plant and animal life.
Some believe that the legend of Atlantis may have originated from stories about Lemuria. Both continents are said to have been destroyed by a great cataclysmic event, although scholars disagree about the specifics. Some argue that Atlantis never existed at all, while others maintain that it was simply another name for Lemuria.
There’s no definitive answer, as there is little archaeological evidence to support the existence of a lost continent called Lemuria. However, there are several theories about what may have happened to it.
One possibility is that the continent sank into the ocean after a cataclysmic earthquake or volcanic eruption. Another theory suggests that it may have been destroyed by a tsunami or a comet. Some people even believe that it was consumed by a great flood. Unfortunately, we may never know for sure what happened to Lemuria.
There is no definitive answer to this question, as there is no concrete evidence to support any specific date. However, many experts believe that Lemuria sank approximately 12,000 years ago.
Yes, a continent can sink. Plate tectonics cause the continents to move and change shape over time. The African continent is slowly moving north, and as it does, the Mediterranean Sea is getting wider. The African continent is also getting lower, because the weight of the continent is pushing down on the Earth’s mantle. Sooner or later, Africa will become so low that the water will be able to flood in and drown the continent. This may happen in 10 million years or 100 million years – no one knows for sure.