Pyramid Power has been touted to have miraculous mental, physical, and spiritual energies. In addition, many sources suggest that pyramids, at the peak of the Atlantean, Mu and Lemurian civilizations were clean, ever-renewable, worldwide power plants—placed strategically around the globe at specific energy points also termed ley lines. Often these elaborate structures were engulfed by crystal light domes that amplified light and sound. These energies were then utilized to power world-wide utilities and communication centers. It is also speculated that the light and sound produced could influence the mind’s learning abilities and are linked to multi-dimensional influences, portals, and vortexes.

The Atlanteans are considered to have been the more technologically advanced of the ancient civilizations and they developed most of the innovative types of communication and energy sources. Crystal technology was at its peak and these “rocks” received solar and earth energies that were transmitted between ley points; often marked by pyramids. The energies were then transmitted between one pyramid to another by an intricate matrix configuration that adjusted itself to the earth’s rotation and its movement through the solar system and galaxy.

The Edgar Cayce readings describe in detail how crystal technology worked. Cayce mentioned the “Great Crystal” often and said that it was housed in a large dome that opened to the sky, allowing it to grab energy from the sun, moon, and stars. The building was lined with an asbestos-type material and the crystal itself was a huge six-sided, elongated firestone. Energies were collected and transmitted by a movable capstone cover that directed beams of light and power throughout the continent.

The original Atlanteans were a peaceful people who utilized crystals to boost their spiritual growth, as well as for healing, and rejuvenation. It is speculated that many lived several hundred youthful years without infirmity—as is documented in the Bible and other religious texts. As the technology progressed crystals were used to transmit radio, and other signals, like television, phone, and computer technologies. It is said that the Bermuda Triangle is a site that pulls from several damaged fire crystals beneath the ocean surface which accounts for many of the unsolved mysteries of that location, where objects disappear and materialize unexpectedly.

On a personal note—for those into numerology—I’ve been consistently tuned into 11-11-11 for several months. By this I mean that I see this number (or a portion of it, as 11-11) whenever its available—on my watch, on the bedside clock, on the TV box and from computer data. It’s like a message of some sort saying “look, here, now.” Nothing more than a reminder that it’s time—for what? —I’m waiting to see. I also receive direct messages that come with dreams to “START OVER” and as I look around, I’m thinking many of us could benefit from a fresh start. However, as I look more into this number, it’s affiliated with a powerful platinum crystal hidden near Eureka Springs that was awakened in 2011. The enormous hidden crystal, buried deep underground, is clear but emanates a platinum silver color. Some feel that its sub-atomic particle generation is harmonizing physical and anti-matter and could save us from an ultimate destruction. Which ties into the messages coming through.

The numerous stories of the demise of Atlantis are well documented and few agree on what happened. Hopi legends theorize that someone majorly screwed up by pushing the wrong button—much like the dangers we find ourselves in today. Crystal theorists feel that now that we’ve moved through all the many phases of advancing our civilization to this crucial point, that we are once again faced with self-imposed destruction, and that the major crystals—of which there are three—were saved to help get us beyond this phase and into a time of peace and prosperity.

Mu and Lemuria were often in conflict with the Atlanteans, although their societies regularly mixed. The Lemurians benefited from the Atlantean innovations, but they often chose to remain in their celestial bodies—going back and forth from an ethereal existence to the physical. That was a time when gods walked with humankind. At some point, however, for reasons we struggle to understand, souls chose the physical realm and its lessons, which stuck us in complex reincarnation cycles.

In closing, I would suggest that we, as kindred souls, are in a similar position that we once faced eons ago. The cards are on the table. How will we shuffle the deck and play out the game? It could go either way. God has all the time in the world, yet the divine is right here, right now, for you to draw from. Let’s not make the same mistakes. Aum.


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