Gemstones and crystals have been used for centuries as healing conductors. Ancient Chinese texts, Ayurvedic Indian texts, and the Judaic-Christian Bible all reference the power of stones. The Olmecs of Mesoamerica and the Egyptians incorporated gemstones into their sacred sites and ceremonies. Their practices continue today by various spiritual practitioners and alternative healers.

Crystals and many other precious and semi-precious gemstones have the ability to conduct energy due to their molecular structures. This energy is utilized to store information and conduct electricity by the computer and other industries; however, it can also be used by an individual to enhance the positive effects of meditation resulting in heightened awareness, inner peace, calm, increased intuition, empathy, intellectual awareness and love. The chakras that run up and down our spines also react to these energies, resulting in a rise in Kundalini, which is the term most commonly used for the life force that starts at the spinal base and can be aroused to move upward to the crown of the head. The image of a coiled-up serpent is often utilized to demonstrate this process.

So, what do you do when you are no longer feeling the vibe? Maybe your crystals and gemstones are depleted or have attracted some negativity along the way. They need a thorough cleansing and that’s where selenite plays in. Selenite is an inexpensive milky-white stone that “grows” into a brittle staff-like shape and is found where ancient saltwater bodies have evaporated. Here in New Mexico, at White Sands National Park, where gypsum composes the dune fields in the Tularosa Basin, selenite literally sticks out in clusters, since it’s a crystalline form of gypsum. The San Andres and Sacramento Mountains that surround the basin are compose of gypsum layers which are dissolved by rainfall and snow melt, and puddle in the valley below. The water evaporates and the dissolved minerals recrystallize and form selenite crystals. If you’re ever in the area, it’s quite a sight to see, and selenite is available for a few dollars at the visitor center.

To regenerate your personal stones, it’s convenient to use widely available manufactured selenite charging stations. Unlike other rocks, selenite holds its charge, creating a positive energy environment. Selenite is also known for its calming and soothing energy, which can help to promote mental clarity and emotional balance. This makes it particularly useful in meditation practices, as it can help to quiet the mind and create a peaceful atmosphere for introspection and spiritual growth.

Additionally, Selenite’s transparency and soft glow make it a visually appealing addition to any space. Whether in the form of a charging station, a lamp, or a decorative piece, Selenite adds an element of natural beauty to any room.

A Selenite crystal charging station can be used in a variety of ways to enhance spiritual practices, meditation routines, and energy healing sessions. Below are some of the most common uses:

  1. Cleansing and Charging Crystals: The primary use of a Selenite charging station is to cleanse and charge other crystals. By placing your crystals on the Selenite station overnight or for a few hours, you can ensure that they are free of negative energy and fully charged for your next use.
  2. Enhancing Meditation Practices: Selenite’s calming energy makes it an excellent tool for meditation. You can place a Selenite charging station near your meditation space to help create a peaceful and serene environment. Holding a Selenite wand or stone during meditation can also help to clear the mind and enhance spiritual connection.
  3. Energy Healing Sessions: In energy healing practices, Selenite can be used to cleanse the aura and remove blockages from the energy body. A Selenite charging station can be used to cleanse and charge healing crystals before and after sessions, ensuring that they are at their highest vibrational frequency.
  4. Creating a Protective Energy Grid: You can use a Selenite charging station as part of a larger crystal grid to create a protective energy field around your home or workspace. By placing the station in the center of the grid and surrounding it with other protective crystals, you can amplify the energy and create a powerful shield against negative influences.
  5. Promoting Sleep and Relaxation: Selenite’s soothing energy can also be beneficial for promoting restful sleep and relaxation. Placing a Selenite charging station near your bed or under your pillow can help to calm the mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  6. Manifestation and Intention Setting: Selenite is a powerful tool for manifestation and intention setting. You can place your written intentions or manifestation crystals on a Selenite charging station to amplify their energy and bring your desires into reality more quickly.

A word of caution from personal experience. No matter if you are a long-time meditator, or a beginner. Spinal energies are powerful and can bring experiences that you may or may not be ready for. It’s always a good idea to find a path and a teacher that you know and respect and who knows and respects you. Slow and steady is a much better approach than instant gratification. You CAN blow out your nervous system, or God forbid be negatively influenced by a “spiritual worker” with bad intentions. A kundalini rise brings with it the risk of deep-seeded fears, painful experiences, trauma and abuse releasing too fast. So, be sure you are ready to move through what can be intense changes to your physical and mental well-being. Enlist the help of a close friend to witness your progress and to be honest with you if they feel you are going too far, too fast. Just sayin’. Meanwhile, be well, be safe, and filled with love. We need you.

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